* Deletes the most recent messages in the current channel (10 by default, 100 maximum, supports `all` argument)
* @type {Command}
* @memberof Command
* @name clean
* @prop {Object} executeConfig `execution` function configuration object
* @prop {external:Message} executeConfig.message discord.js Message
* @prop {String[]} executeConfig.args Array of space-separated strings following the command
* @prop {Esdi} executeConfig.server Esdi server instance
* @static
module.exports = {
name: 'clean',
aliases: ['purge', 'delete'],
guildOnly: false,
ownerOnly: true,
description: 'Deletes the messages in the current channel. Defaults to deleting the 10 most recent messages. The `all` argument deletes all messages in a channel.',
usage: '[# of messages]/[all]',
execute ({ message, args, server }) {
if (args[0] && args[0].toLowerCase() === 'all') {
// helper function that retrieves messages to delete
const checkMessages = () => {
const limit = 100
message.channel.messages.fetch({ limit })
.then(messages => {
if (messages.array().length > 0) {
let i = 0
for (const msg of messages) {
// can't delete the other person's messages in a DM
if (msg[1].channel.type === 'dm' && (msg[1].author.id !== server.controllers.get('DiscordController').client.user.id)) {
msg[1].delete({ timeout: 1200 * (i + 1) })
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1200 * (limit + 1))
} else {
let limit = parseInt(args[0])
if (limit > 100) {
limit = 100
if (!limit || isNaN(limit)) {
limit = 10
message.channel.messages.fetch({ limit })
.then(messages => {
let i = 0
for (const msg of messages) {
// can't delete the other person's messages in a DM
if (msg[1].channel.type === 'dm' && (msg[1].author.id !== server.controllers.get('DiscordController').client.user.id)) {
setTimeout(() => { msg[1].delete() }, 1200 * i)