Tutorial: Adding a custom command

Adding a custom command

  1. In your project folder, make a new folder called commands/.
  2. In the commands/ folder, create a hello.js file with the following contents:
module.exports = {
  name: 'hello',
  aliases: ['greet'],
  description: 'Greets the command user.',
  execute ({ message, args, server }) {
    message.channel.send(`Hello, ${message.author}!`)

Let's break down each property of the command configuration object:

name: 'hello'

The name property is the name of the command, which must be unique. You can overwrite default commands by simply reusing the command name in your own local command file. The bot will listen for this string in order to execute the command.

aliases: ['greet']

The aliases property is optional and allows you to designate any strings that will serve as an alias for the command name. In this case, the user can also fire this command with the greet alias. Currently, aliases do not have to be unique and using an alias will fire the first matching record in the Esdi instance. If an alias is the same as another command's name, the command using it as a name will take priority.

description: 'Greets the command user.'

The description property is also optional and allows you to describe the command. This is used by the help command.

execute ({ message, args, server }) {
  message.reply(', hello!')

The execute function is the substance of your command. This function fires when the command is invoked. You can use the properties (message, args, and server) that are passed in an object to this function. message refers to the discord.js Message object, args refers to the array of space-separated argument strings following the command, and server refers to the Esdi instance. You can use this to refer to the Command object representing this loaded command.

To learn more about the command configuration options, check out the Command documentation.

  1. Restart your Esdi server.
  2. In your server, fire the command. Use the bot prefix (e.g., esdi!) together with the hello command or greeting alias to see your new custom command in action:

  1. Continue developing your command, or make a brand new one! You can use anything from the discord.js Message object (which has access to everything about your discord.js Client) and the Esdi instance. You can also implement functionality from own your applications or third-party APIs. You don't even have to restart your server while building. Use the reload command (e.g., esdi!reload <command>) to reload your command file on the fly once it's initially loaded. Your creativity is the limit!

Next, let's enable the github-redeploy global Hook for our Esdi server.