
 * Lists all {@link Command|Commands} or gets help for a specific Command
 * @type {Command}
 * @memberof Command
 * @name help
 * @prop {Object} executeConfig `execution` function configuration object
 * @prop {external:Message} executeConfig.message discord.js Message
 * @prop {String[]} executeConfig.args Array of space-separated strings following the command
 * @prop {Esdi} executeConfig.server Esdi server instance
 * @static
module.exports = {
  name: 'help',
  cooldown: 2,
  description: 'Lists all Commands or gets help for a specific Command.',
  aliases: ['commands'],
  usage: '[<Command name>]',
  execute ({ message, args, server }) {
    const prefix = server.controllers.get('CommandController').determinePrefix(message)

    // if no arguments provided, list all commands
    if (!args.length) {
      // prepare fields for message embed
      const embedFieldValues = []

      // split resulting field contents into chunks for embed
      server.commands.forEach(command => {
        server.controllers.get('DiscordController').buildEmbedFieldValues(embedFieldValues, `\n\`${}\` - ${command.description}`)

      const embedFields = server.controllers.get('DiscordController').buildEmbedFields('Commands', embedFieldValues)

      // build message embed
      const embed = server.controllers.get('DiscordController').buildEmbed({
        title: `Use \`${prefix}help [command]\` to get help on a Command.`,
        footerTextType: 'Command',
        fields: embedFields


    const commandName = args.shift().toLowerCase()

    const command = server.controllers.get('CommandController').findCommand(commandName)
    if (!command) return`There is no command with a name or alias matching \`${commandName}\`, ${}.`)

    // prepare fields for message embed
    const embedFields = [
        name: '__Cooldown__',
        value: `\`${command.cooldown} seconds\``,
        inline: true
    if (command.aliases.length) {
        name: `__Alias${command.aliases.length > 1 ? 'es' : ''}__`,
        value: '`' + command.aliases.join('`, `') + '`',
        inline: true
    if (command.usage.length) {
        name: '__Syntax__',
        value: `\`${prefix}${} ${command.usage}\``,
        inline: true

    // build message embed
    const embed = server.controllers.get('DiscordController').buildEmbed({
      title: `Help: \`${}\``,
      description: command.description,
      footerTextType: 'Command',
      fields: embedFields

    // send embed