* Returns the latency (in milliseconds) between when the {@link Command} was sent and when the {@link Command} was executed
* @type {Command}
* @memberof Command
* @name ping
* @prop {Object} executeConfig `execution` function configuration object
* @prop {external:Message} executeConfig.message discord.js Message
* @prop {String[]} executeConfig.args Array of space-separated strings following the command
* @prop {Esdi} executeConfig.server Esdi server instance
* @static
module.exports = {
name: 'ping',
aliases: ['latency'],
description: 'Returns the latency (in milliseconds) between when the user\'s command was sent and when the command was executed.',
execute ({ message, args, server }) {
message.channel.send(`**Latency:** \`${Date.now() - message.createdAt.getTime()}ms\``)